Wednesday, March 9

Changing, Not A Saosin Song Really

An alter-ego (Latin, "the other I") is a second self, a second personality or persona within a person, who is often oblivious to the persona's actions. It was coined in the early nineteenth century when dissociative identity disorder was first described by psychologists. A person with an alter-ego is said to lead a double life. Alter-ego is also used to refer to the different behaviors any person may display in various situations. Related concepts include avatar, doppelgänger, impersonator, and split personality.
(Source from:

Kenapa gue tiba-tiba nulis begini? Karena entah kenapa gue lagi ngerasa alter ego gue mulai merangkak keluar.
Jujur aja dari tiga minggu lalu alias dari awal masuk semester genap ini gue ngerasa sedikit berubah, somehow I turn to someone that more gloomy than before. Gue pikir, itu masa adaptif yang biasa dilalui orang setelah lama ga berinteraksi sama lingkungannya. Tapi setelah tiga minggu dan kondisinya masih stagnan kaya begini, I start to questioning my own self.
Awalnya, gue cuma ngerasa ga nyaman. Ga nyaman sama semuanya. Kalo diliat lagi, postingan yang galau beberapa waktu lalu yang masalah mempertanyakan tujuan hidup itu kayaknya awal masa perubahan gue semester ini. Padahal gue ngarepnya dari titik itu gue bisa jadi orang yang lebih bisa berpikir bijak, dewasa, dan rasional. Tapi rasanya.. it goes wrong. My feeling become colder and colder. Even some of my close friends told me so. Now they labelled me as having "galau period". Yah ga salah juga sih. Gue pribadi lagi ngerasa bingung. Bingung harus bersikap bagaimana, mungkin. Atau kalo boleh buat excuse.. maybe this is a sort of learning of my almost 20 era.
Gue juga ga mau terlalu lama terjebak dalam kondisi yang bikin hati ga enak ini.
I dont know where this thing invite me. I really feel this is my second turning point (after I had it at my first year on high school). Dan gue ga mau hal ini, entah bisa disebut alter ego atau bukan, terus berlanjut. Atau ekstremnya yah.. gue bener-bener berubah kepribadian. I'm not intend to do it. Maybe it's better to me to be alone for some days in recent. So please forgive me if I'm avoiding people.

I still remember when I followed a training last Sunday, the spokeperson ask us, "what the hardest thing you want to do?" and I answered, "Make all the people arround me happy. Everyone. Happy."
Yes. It is hard to do. And how I supposed to work on it when I'm not feeling happy eitherway?

Gue bener-bener ga pengen bikin orang-orang di sekeliling gue ga nyaman, jadi sekali lagi, gue akan berusaha untuk ngelewatin semua ini. Insya Allah gue masih ada keluarga, sahabat sehati, dan orang-orang yang bisa ngebantu gue di saat "ga jelas" seperti ini. I'm gonna be the casual Annisa Noyara Rahmasary atau mungkin the new and better her. But talking is easy nor the act seem hard. So I'm struggling, okay?
Satu lagi, kalo ditanya kenapa gue nulis hal kaya gini ke blog, gue punya jawaban sendiri:
Seseorang pernah bilang ke gue kadang orang lain ga butuh dicurhatin masalah pribadi yang geje kaya gini, mereka bakal nganggep 'itu hidup lo masing-masing, jadi kasarnya itu ga penting buat gue' dan pada dasarnya gue emang ga bisa cerita sembarangan ke orang buat masalah hati kaya begini. Tapi entah kenapa kalo di dunia maya kaya gini, tempat di mana bahakan orang yang ga kita kenal pun bisa baca blog sampah gue ini, gue malah bisa paling tidak berbagi pikiran. Life is weird, and I'm the living prove.

Still with a lot of love,



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