Hey october!
Reading this blog all over again, I realized that I always made the same mistake. Promising to write regularly then poff.. gone! That is the same bullshit I tried last march, which is more than half year ago. I guess it best if I dont make any promises because who knows in that way can turn me out into "more productive" owner here.
So what happen in these past 7 months? Well, the biggest change is now I already live in utrecht for almost two months. Crazy eh, when last year it was only all dream. Frankly, living here is not easy (duh) in a good way, it drag me out from my comfort zone. The city is quite big (number 4 of largest city in netherlands after amsterdam, rotterdam, and den haag) yet it doesnt get crowded so much thus make it much calmer. I bike 35~40 minutes to the university everyday, usually early in the morning because all my classes start at 9.00. Anyway last week was uber cold, it hit 0'C (with real feel temperature around -3'C) in the morning.. and it just mid-october; guess I wont take my bike out during winter. Nevertheless, I love living here, the city is vibrant and serene at the same time. The one thing that challenges me so much is.. ta-dah.. the campus /slash/ academic life. Not intended to bring down my beloved GFM or IPB or Indonesia education system in the general, but obviously, studying ethic here is so different. You cant just come in and sit with empty head and expect to be feed by knowledge. You cant just skip homework or copy paste your friends' answer to yours. You cant just lying around every other night and depend on one night study before exam day. Wait I make it so terrifying lol but indeed its true, but those thing are bad in a good way, right? I currently attend two course for this period (exam on oct28 and nov6, wish us luck!) which are both interesting. I expected my self to love this theoretical/opinion based course and suck at technical/mathematics one but it is the other way around. Can you believe if I get more excited now to meet numbers than words? No? Neither do I ;) And how about social life? Well, utrecht is unpopular between Indonesia student, only six of us came to Universiteit Utrecht this academic year. We hang out together during weekend (its a must! you have to prepare your mind for another weekday) and thankfully utrecht located in the middle of netherlands with busiest train station (imagine manggarai). I havent had a chance to get together with classmates yet, except for the first time during orientation day. We meet outside the class almost only for work/study group, or simply biking together when class is over. They are all really nice.. and bloody brilliant, I am such a lower outlier.
Well, my life just started here so I cant complain much (I shoudnt, right). I still have bits of my regular life back then.. watching doctor who every sunday (this season is better than last year, thankfully), going to the cinema sometimes (it's so damn expensive to watch a movie here, but I registered as a subscriber so.. yayness), having two cups of coffee a day, and hanging out to somewhere new in every chances (well.. hellooo, youre living 11000 miles away from home). Like I said million times before, being here is exciting and challenging at the same time :)
I hope to fulfill my promises to write about sawarna, gunung padang, and PK28, but not sure when and how. A lot of things going on my mind (yea you're not the only one).
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One day, I should manage to get to top of that :p |
Ehm, so see you later, and good luck in life?
Het beste,